Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Musical Evidence of South Park Conservatives?

A punk-rap band by the name of Stuck Mojo made waves recently with a music video for their single "Open Season." Basically it's an attack on militant Islam and terrorists invocation of the cloak of Islam as a religion of peace. Check it out.

(h/t LGF)

1 comment:

Charles Chapman said...

There is another Stuck Mojo "Open Season" remix you might be interested in: Stuck Mojo Open Season (Sex, Sharia Remix) Music Video, the first music video to include the entire contents of an Islamically suppressed book.

Stuck Mojo Open Season (Sex, Sharia Remix)

Remix and extended version of the music video for the Stuck Mojo song "Open Season," dedicated to Mariwan Halabjaee,* "the Salman Rushdie of Iraqi-Kurdistan." Mr. Halabjaee is the author of the book "Sex, Sharia and Women in the History of Islam." He was forced to flee Iraqi-Kurdistan and obtain political asylum in Norway because the Islamic League of Kurdistan issued a fatwa to kill him, and the Kurdistan Regional Government refused to offer him protection or to arrest those who threatened his life.

For more information, see:
Sex, Sharia and Women in the History of Islam

* Mariwan Halabjaee (sp. Marywan / Halabjay, Halabjayee, Halabjaye, Halabjayi)