Tuesday, June 12, 2007

SecDef Levin?

It's something of a nightmare. Today's Opinion Journal spoofs the current state of affairs on the Hill with its 535 wannabe generals as well as Gates' refusal to go to bat for outgoing JCS Chair Peter Pace (though the White House inexplicably continues to support Gonzales!). They rightly question whether Gates is trying to be the "anti-Rumsfeld by appeasing the likes of Mr. Levin, but his kowtow only makes Mr. Bush look weaker as a Commander in Chief who can't even select his own war generals. Mr. Levin was quick to brag about his latest conquest, confirming for reporters that he had told Mr. Gates that General Pace's nomination would have resulted in a fight."

A fight? I'm not sure if Gates is keeping count but I say bring it on! Democrats would have to be sure to have all of their ducks in a row on this one (meaning ensuring Biden, Dodd, Clinton, and Obama are present); delay would leave them option to charges of hamstringing the war effort. Of course with us at 48 (49 as soon as Thomas [RIP] has a successor appointed) and likely Lieberman; though Johnson's healthy again (glad to hear it), he's not likely to return immediately. Thus that makes at worst (assuming McCain deigns to show up) a 50-49 Democratic victory along party lines (with Lieberman voting right) and likely a victory with several swings from the Dems (or the absence of any presidential nominee).

Obviously Gates' real desire was to avoid the inevitable accompanying hearings but this White House (and apparently this SecDef as well) remain terrified of going on the offense. Pace is a veteran of Hue; nothing Levin or the rest of the defeatists/revisionists on Armed Services could throw at him would rattle him. Though obviously he could never convince those close-minded hacks that this war is not only winnable but just. I say go for it - at the very least showing some spine will remind the Democrats there still is an executive branch and they don't have all the say on the war (though even if they did the media would still call this "Bush's war").

Several years ago in Washington I had the honor of meeting then-Vice-Chair Pace; he was an impressive man and an impressive speaker. He served his country courageously and well, putting his life on the line, for decades only to be discarded by an administration too craven to defend him as he defended his country. I'm honestly ashamed of my president and party. And it goes without saying that I'm disgusted with Levin and the rest of his party's grandstanding, abusing the freedom that so many brave soldiers, sailors and airmen (as well as Marines) have died to preserve over the centuries.

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