Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm Not Dead Yet!

Despite everyone's fervent wishes to the contrary (except perhaps for the President and Senator Kennedy), it would appear that the immigration monster is still stirring. Kaus (h/t Instapundit) outlines W's strategy to resuscitate his monster; AFP has Bush saying he'll take a more hands-on/personal role in working with the Senate to pass it. Let me get this straight: a President with a job-approval rating in the low 30s goes to the Hill to harangue a Congress with a job-approval rating equally as low or lower - and we expect this to work? I just wish Congress would do everyone a favor, declare this dead and move quickly to pass a toothy border security bill. With that done, Republicans might be more willing to talk, though I still think there are too many in both parties who are at least somewhat opposed to any guest worker program (i.e. most of those who voted for Dorgan's amendment last week).

And now for something completely different...

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