Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Webb's Win...and What it Means

This will be brief; I've got guests but I can't resist putting my thoughts out on Jim Webb's victory in Virginia today. Webb beat Harris Miller, and convincingly so, doing well even in districts and precincts perceived to be pro-Miller strongholds. However not too much can be really read into this: turnout was about 3.5%, with less than 150,000 people showing up to exercise their most obvious political freedom. So really people could care less; maybe Democrats at large think Allen's invincible regardless of candidate. And I think he is. I don't think even the vaunted Jim Webb can beat George Allen. But what I think he can do is bruise Allen (and force him to spend so heavily) so as to prevent him from really laying the groundwork for a Presidential bid. In any case, Webb's victory may again speak, with the support of the Tester victory and the detraction of the Busby loss in the CA-50, to the power of the netroots. Webb got in late and didn't have the money, but he still won. He is more than a sacrificial lamb on the altar of George Allen, but how much more remains to be seen.

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