Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mr. Swann of Pennsylvania?

Let's be honest: Pennsylvania last year was a bloodbath for the Republican Party: incumbent Senator Rick Santorum was crushed by Bob Casey 59-41, four sitting Representatives were defeated (one was in the awkward position of admitting yes he had had an affair but no he had not strangled his mistress), and former Pittsburgh Steeler-turned-gubernatorial candidate Lynn Swann was defeated 60-40.

But something funny happened in the Pennsylvania 4th, out near Pittsburgh: while incumbent Republican Melissa Hart lost to Democrat Jason Altmire 52-48 and Santorum - himself a Pittsburgher - also lost the district, Lynn Swann ran well there. So well, in fact, that he may run there next fall.

As the article notes, it'll be a fight: the DCCC has put itself squarely behind Altmire, who has done himself a favor of keeping to the right of his party. But Swann's star-power in a district that Bush carried 54-45 and one presumes is rabidly pro-Steelers could prove to be the key. Either way it goes, this will be a fun one to watch.

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