Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Clarence Page Shows us...

Just why Barack Obama is so damn dangerous. Obama speaks "faith-talk" better than anyone else on his side of the aisle, and in the current American climate, you can't win if you can't talk the talk. Page is right when he says Democrats

need to frame their issues in ways that speak not only to the bread-and-butter concerns of ordinary voters, but also to their moral and spiritual concerns about the direction in which the country is going.
That's been what Jim Wallis has been saying, especially in his fascianting "God's Politics Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It" - and he and Obama see eye to eye. If the Left can get past their knee-jerk secularism, annoint a candidate who can out-faith the GOP (and a lot of the WH Wannabes on the Right don't seem like they speak the lingo that well), they may just have a shot at the White House.

Of course they also need someone strong on defence - and when you put those traits together I think it's called a Republican.

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