Saturday, June 09, 2007

Stand by Impeached Men?

Hillary announced her Florida Campaign Co-Chairs today, Reps Debbie Wasserman Schultz and (drum roll) Alcee Hastings. Wait for it...wait for the media outrage...


No complaints from the media about the leading Democratic contender naming an impeached federal judge to be her Florida co-chair? No? Imagine the uproar if a Republican named, say, Mark Foley to be their Florida chair. Hastings has contended in the past that the impeachment was a political hatchet job - something akin to Dollar Bill Jefferson saying he's innocent - but even Democrats have said that the procedure was justified.

(oh and if the blogosphere gets on Hillary's case for this one, I predict we'll hear the Left whining about how vicious and abusive we all are...)

(h/t Taranto/Best of the Web)

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