Saturday, March 17, 2007

Moonbats of the World Unite

To show their opposition of the fourth anniversary of the Iraq (and obviously winning converts by blocking roads and inconveniencing everyone, in addition to no doubt smelling foul), the usual moonbats are going to be protesting across the nation. CODEPINK has been camped out in front of Pelosi's house for days, prompting the usual questions about whether these people actually have jobs and if not are they simply suckling at the governmental teat while stabbing said government in the back? CODEPINK activists also took the time to be obnoxiously present in the background of the Plame circus yesterday; that video is here. The two biggest demonstrations, however, are planned for New York and DC.

In New York, the marchers are brought together under the umbrella organization "United for Peace & Justice," an innocent-enough sounding name. But in addition to grieving parents and veterans, you also have some out and out wack-jobs participating. Just to list a few, the Black Radical Congress, Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, International Socialist Organization - National, League of Revolutionaries for a New America, Socialist Party USA - National, Socialist Alternative, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, and Young Communists League. Those are only the ones whose names are indicative of where they stand. Then there are others, such as the 50 Years is Enough Network; an examination of their website finds them to be a fringe anti-globalization group that demands a cessation to the activities of the IMF and World Bank and the formation of a "Truth Commission" to investigate the "crimes" of these organizations. The full list of these loons can be found here (excel file).

The DC march is organized by ANSWER ("Act Now to Stop War and End Racism" - what the hell is that supposed to mean?). Though they seem too bright to post a list of all the nebulous groups behind the facade - or perhaps they want both the Marxists and the Trotskyists to remain blissfully unaware that the other is involved? - but they do list a handful. Among these are the Muslim Student Organization, acting on many campuses as a front for Saudi extremism (an eye-opening article from the Middle East Forum can be found here), as well as the Party for Socialism and Liberation; the coexistance of such groups provides anecdotal evidence of the "unholy alliance" alleged by Horowitz in his thus-titled book. And although they don't list their constituents they do list something of a platform (so it's 18 months old - I doubt it's changed):

* Stop the War in Iraq
* End Colonial Occupation from Iraq to Palestine to Haiti
* Support the Palestinian People’s Right of Return
* Stop the Threats Against Venezuela, Cuba, Iran & North Korea
* U.S. Out of the Philippines
* U.S. Out of Puerto Rico
* Bring all the troops home now
* Stop the Racist, anti-Immigrant and anti-Labor Offensive at Home, Defend Civil Rights
* Military Recruiters Out of Our Schools and Communities

What kills me is that these loons - most of them anti-American in the extreme - have become visible symbols of opposition to the war, a position now held by a majority of Americans (no doubt in part due to the misleading spin of the media). But if that majority were to realize who they stand with, some might reconsider their position. So any sane anti-Iraq war types out there, please consider letting the world know that these moonbats don't represent you?

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