Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I Really Hope Our Missile Defense Shield Works

Apparently Washington and Pyongyang have gotten into what might be described as an international ballistic pissing contest. If you live under a rock, the story in short is that North Korea is threatening to launch a missile that has the potential to hit Alaska if not the mainland US; needless to say I suspect that's got some folks pretty nervous at the Pentagon so we're threatening to strike back and shoot it down using our vaunted missile defense system. Of course the problem is so far the thing has proven to be a pile of junk, incapable of hitting its intended target; now with national pride on the line, I really hope we get lucky. Oh, Leno last night: "Since we're exchanging knowledge here, it might be good for them to know we have a few thousand missiles that could reach North Korea in about an hour. In fact, if Kim Jong-Il ordered a pizza right now, our missile would get there first." Good point. We could reduce North Korea to a stinking inhospitable pile of rocks populated by starving people - but isn't that what it is already?

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